The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas
Provincial Grand Court of Sussex

Official visit to the Court of Wiht-land
The 2023 Installation Meeting of The Court of Wiht-land No 123 was held on Friday the 8th of September 2023 at Ryde Masonic Hall, with Worshipful Master W.Bro. Alan Swaby presiding.

Official visit to the Court of Wiht-land Official visit to the Court of Wiht-land W.Bro. Alan welcomed our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Lionel Mee, GCAG, on his Annual Official Visit. R.W.Bro. Lionel briefly took the gavel to introduce his Deputy, V.W.Bro. Mark Donovan, and the other Provincial Officers who had accompanied him; several having travelled to the Island on the Wightlink Ferry earlier in the day. The Master then resumed the Chair to continue with the business of the evening.

The main item on the Agenda was to install the Master-elect, Bro. Robert Toogood, as Master for the ensuing year.

W.Bro. Alan Swaby carried out the ceremony in an interesting and dignified manner.

W.Bro. Robert was proclaimed as Master by the Provincial Grand Master with the traditional 'waapen-take'. W.Bro. Robert then appointed and invested the Officers he had chosen to assist him for his year in Office.

Following the Installation, a most interesting and informative Lecture entitled 'The Battle of Brunnanburgh' which took place during the reign of King Athelstan in 937AD, was delivered by Bro. Mark McGuinness - the newest member of the Court who had been instructed into the Order in June this year! The Provincial Grand Master congratulated Bro. Mark on his excellent and interesting Lecture.

Official visit to the Court of Wiht-land Official visit to the Court of Wiht-land R.W.Bro. Lionel congratulated the new Worshipful Master and his Officers on their appointments and wished them an enjoyable and happy year ahead. He also thanked members of his Provincial Team for their attendance and support on the Official Visits. Twenty four brethren later enjoyed a convivial meal at the festive board, after which the formal Toasts of the Order were observed with the brethren departing in peace and harmony at 9.15pm, some to catch the ferry home.

Article by Lionel Mee

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