The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas
Provincial Grand Court of Sussex

Candidates for Archbishop Æthelhelm Court
On Tuesday the 11th of July the Brethren of Archbishop Æthelhelm Court No 34 welcomed five Joining Members and two Candidates for Instruction.

The Court was opened by the Acting Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Leslie Grout, who welcomed everyone, especially the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Mark Donovan, P.G.Swd.B. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master was saluted with seven under the direction of the Director of Ceremonies.

A ballot was taken for five joining members. This proved in their favour and the new members were welcomed into the Court by the Worshipful Master.

Candidates for Archbishop Æthelhelm Court

The next item on the agenda was to ballot for two Candidates for Instruction, Bro. Kemble Van Nagan and Bro. Patrick Harry Little. This proved in their favour and Brothers Kemble and Patrick were instructed into the Order in an excellent manner by W.Bro. Leslie Grout, ably assisted by the Officers of the Court. W&Em. Chris Eley, Provincial Prior, acted as the Eminent Prior.

The Worshipful Master warmly welcomed Bros. Kemble and Patrick into the Archbishop Æthelhelm Court, and the V.W. Deputy Provincial Grand Master welcomed them into the Order and the Province of Sussex.

Candidates for Archbishop Æthelhelm Court

The meeting was closed and after photographs…

Candidates for Archbishop Æthelhelm Court

…we retired to the bar for refreshments before sitting down to a most convivial meal at the Nutfield Masonic Centre.

Candidates for Archbishop Æthelhelm Court

Article and photos by Chris Eley

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