The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas
Provincial Grand Court of Sussex

Visit by Provincial Grand Master to the Court of Wiht-land
Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Lionel Mee and Deputy VW Bro Mark Donovan, travelled to Ryde on the Isle of Wight on Thursday, 13th January where they were warmly welcomed by W Bro David Poulton, the newly installed Master of the Court. A total of twenty members and visitors attended the meeting, which included W Bro Alan Brockwell who was visiting from another Curt in the Province.

The Provincial Grand Master welcomed Bro Shaun Smith into the Masonic Order of Athelstan and presented him with his Grand Court Certificate in a most interesting manner. He then invested W Bros Duncan Maguire, Colin Wilson, and Roger Huntley as Active Provincial Officers of the year. He also congratulated W Bros Colin Wilson and Alan Brockwell on their being honoured by the Grand Master as Knights of the Ancient Order of Alfred the Great in October last year.

We enjoyed Colin Wilson’s presentation on the Historical Lecture which expanded on various aspects of the Saxon Chronicles and introduced some great talking points for further discussion.

The Festive Board following the meeting was excellent – and set up the visitors for their return journey to 'North Island'!

The next meeting of the Court will be on Friday, 10th June 2022.

Article by Lionel Mee

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