More than 30 Members and Visitors were present at Chichester Masonic Centre on Friday, 8th September 2017 for the Installation Meeting when R W Bro Lionel Mee, Provincial Grand Master was also present on his Annual Visit to the court.
Worshipful Master W Bro Mark Gannaway opened the Court at 6.00pm and welcomed R W Bro Lionel Mee, KSM, Provincial Grand Master on his occasion of his Official Visit. The Provincial Grand Master introduced those Provincial Officers who had accompanied him and thanked them for their continued support.
The first business of the evening was to welcome new member Bro Alan Greasley into the Order. The ceremony of Instruction was carried out in a faultless manner by W Bro Mark Gannaway, and Bro Greasley later said how delighted he was to have been welcomed into the court.
The Master-elect, W Bro Malcolm Brown was then Installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year in an excellent ceremony also conducted by W Bro Mark Gannaway - following which the new Master invested his Officers for the Year.
In thanking the Court for the welcome and hospitality extended to him, the Provincial Grand Master reminded the brethren of the forthcoming consecration of a new Court in the Province on the Isle of Wight - The Court of Wiht-land No 123. This new court will be consecrated on Wednesday, 6th December 2017 at the West Cowes Masonic Centre when the ceremony will be conducted by the Grand Master of the Order. R W Bro Lionel also offered his congratulations to W Bro Mike Newth who is to be honoured with Grand Rank at the forthcoming Annual Assembly of Grand Court in Leicester on Saturday, 28th October 2017.
After the meeting, 25 Members and Visitors dined at a most enjoyable and convivial Festive Board.
The next meeting will be on Friday, 9th March 2018.
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Worshipful Master W Bro Mark Gannaway opened the Court at 6.00pm and welcomed R W Bro Lionel Mee, KSM, Provincial Grand Master on his occasion of his Official Visit. The Provincial Grand Master introduced those Provincial Officers who had accompanied him and thanked them for their continued support.
The first business of the evening was to welcome new member Bro Alan Greasley into the Order. The ceremony of Instruction was carried out in a faultless manner by W Bro Mark Gannaway, and Bro Greasley later said how delighted he was to have been welcomed into the court.
The Master-elect, W Bro Malcolm Brown was then Installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year in an excellent ceremony also conducted by W Bro Mark Gannaway - following which the new Master invested his Officers for the Year.
In thanking the Court for the welcome and hospitality extended to him, the Provincial Grand Master reminded the brethren of the forthcoming consecration of a new Court in the Province on the Isle of Wight - The Court of Wiht-land No 123. This new court will be consecrated on Wednesday, 6th December 2017 at the West Cowes Masonic Centre when the ceremony will be conducted by the Grand Master of the Order. R W Bro Lionel also offered his congratulations to W Bro Mike Newth who is to be honoured with Grand Rank at the forthcoming Annual Assembly of Grand Court in Leicester on Saturday, 28th October 2017.
After the meeting, 25 Members and Visitors dined at a most enjoyable and convivial Festive Board.
The next meeting will be on Friday, 9th March 2018.
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