The second meeting following the Consecration of the Court in October last year was held at the Croydon Masonic Hall on Monday, 10th July with the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Ian Clark presiding.
Present at the meeting were RW.Bro. Lionel Mee, Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. Roy Leavers, Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Mark Donovan, Provincial Marshal, and other guests.

The Worshipful Master invited RW.Bro. Roy Leavers and RW.Bro. Lionel Mee to assist him by Instructing Bros. William Smith and Eben Abbey into the Order, ably assisted by the Officers of the Court.
RW.Bro. Lionel Mee then presented Grand Court Certificates to three of the new Founders and explained some of the symbolism of the certificate in a most interesting manner.

After the meeting the Brethren of The Sword of Constantine Court and their guests sat down to a most enjoyable meal at the Croydon Masonic Hall.
The next meeting of the Court will be on Tuesday, 10th October at the Croydon Masonic Hall when W.Bro. Ian Clark will be installing Bro. Chris Eley as Master.
Article and photo by Chris Eley
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Present at the meeting were RW.Bro. Lionel Mee, Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. Roy Leavers, Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Mark Donovan, Provincial Marshal, and other guests.

The Worshipful Master invited RW.Bro. Roy Leavers and RW.Bro. Lionel Mee to assist him by Instructing Bros. William Smith and Eben Abbey into the Order, ably assisted by the Officers of the Court.
RW.Bro. Lionel Mee then presented Grand Court Certificates to three of the new Founders and explained some of the symbolism of the certificate in a most interesting manner.

After the meeting the Brethren of The Sword of Constantine Court and their guests sat down to a most enjoyable meal at the Croydon Masonic Hall.
The next meeting of the Court will be on Tuesday, 10th October at the Croydon Masonic Hall when W.Bro. Ian Clark will be installing Bro. Chris Eley as Master.
Article and photo by Chris Eley
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