The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas
Provincial Grand Court of Sussex

The Rood at Sudtone Sari Court, Thursday 25th May 2017
The May meeting of The Rood at Sudtone Sari Court No.106 was held at the Sutton Masonic Hall on Thursday, 25th May with the Worshipful Master W.Bro. David Morgan presiding.

Present at the meeting were RW.Bro. Roy Leavers, Grand Secretary; and W.Bro. Michael Ellis, Deputy Provincial Grand Master.

The Rood at Sudtone Sari Court, Thursday 25th May 2017

Mr Stephen Howell of Rutlish Craft Lodge and Rutlish Chapter was Instructed into the Order in an excellent manner by the Worshipful Master, ably assisted by his Officers.

After the meeting the Brethren of The Rood at Sudtone Sari Court and their guests sat down to a most enjoyable meal at the Sutton Masonic Hall.

Article and photo by Chris Eley

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