Sussex Annual The Annual Meeting of the Province was held at the Nutfield Masonic Hall in Redhill on Saturday, 1st April 2017 with R W Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee, Provincial Grand Master for Sussex presiding. The meeting was conducted in a highly professional and convivial manner and everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed the proceedings.
To view the second slideshow of photos click here.
Among a total of over 70 attending were members of the Province, Guests from Grand Court, other Provinces and Distinguished Brethren from as far as afield as Cornwall, East Anglia, Essex and Kent. We were also very pleased to welcome R W Bro Brian Prevett, Past Provincial Grand Master.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master introduced a total of 35 Distinguished Guests, Heads of Orders, their Deputies and other members of the Executive within the Province - which comprises the Craft Provinces of Hampshire & Isle of Wight, Surrey and Sussex.
During the meeting, the Provincial Grand Master re-appointed W Bro Michael Daniel Ellis, KSM, PSGD as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, after which he invested the Active Provincial Officers for the ensuing year and conferred Past Provincial Grand Rank on a number of other brethren.
In his Annual Address to the Brethren, R W Bro Lionel said that he had thoroughly enjoyed his first year as Provincial Grand Master during which he and Deputy Mike Ellis had visited all Courts in the Province. He had particularly enjoyed meeting so many members during these Visits and expressed his appreciation of the welcome and hospitality extended to him on every occasion. A schedule of Official Visits for 2017-2018 has been circulated to the Active Officers who have again been invited to join the visits if they wish to attend.
The Consecration of the Sword of Constantine Court No 120 at Croydon Masonic Centre in October last year had been one of the highlights of the year, when W Bro Ian Clark was installed as Primus Master. TWO further Courts are currently being planned; one on the Isle of Wight and the other at Cole Court, the Twickenham Masonic Centre. The organisers of these new Courts are Bro Colin Wilson and Bro Martin Smith respectively and we look forward to founding these new courts in the not too distant future.
This year marks the Tenth Anniversary since the first Court in the Province was founded at Chichester on 26th May 2007 and there will be a Celebration Dinner & Dance at the Chichester Park Hotel on Saturday, 10th June. All are welcome to attend - whether members of the Order or not - together with Wives, Partners, non-Masonic friends and guests. The event is being organised by W Bro Ross Everett and W Bro Lee Everett.
The Provincial Grand Master thanked W Bro Ron Bentley, Provincial Secretary, W Bro John Hickman, Provincial Treasurer and W Bro Mark Donovan, Provincial Marshal and his team for their hard work in planning what has been a very successful meeting. Thanks also to Bro John Gough, Provincial Organist for his wonderful musical contribution during the meeting.
There followed a pre-lunch Drinks Reception after which 51 members and guests enjoyed an excellent and convivial Festive Board.
Photographs by Bob Tuthill and Chris Eley
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To view the second slideshow of photos click here.
Among a total of over 70 attending were members of the Province, Guests from Grand Court, other Provinces and Distinguished Brethren from as far as afield as Cornwall, East Anglia, Essex and Kent. We were also very pleased to welcome R W Bro Brian Prevett, Past Provincial Grand Master.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master introduced a total of 35 Distinguished Guests, Heads of Orders, their Deputies and other members of the Executive within the Province - which comprises the Craft Provinces of Hampshire & Isle of Wight, Surrey and Sussex.
During the meeting, the Provincial Grand Master re-appointed W Bro Michael Daniel Ellis, KSM, PSGD as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, after which he invested the Active Provincial Officers for the ensuing year and conferred Past Provincial Grand Rank on a number of other brethren.
In his Annual Address to the Brethren, R W Bro Lionel said that he had thoroughly enjoyed his first year as Provincial Grand Master during which he and Deputy Mike Ellis had visited all Courts in the Province. He had particularly enjoyed meeting so many members during these Visits and expressed his appreciation of the welcome and hospitality extended to him on every occasion. A schedule of Official Visits for 2017-2018 has been circulated to the Active Officers who have again been invited to join the visits if they wish to attend.
The Consecration of the Sword of Constantine Court No 120 at Croydon Masonic Centre in October last year had been one of the highlights of the year, when W Bro Ian Clark was installed as Primus Master. TWO further Courts are currently being planned; one on the Isle of Wight and the other at Cole Court, the Twickenham Masonic Centre. The organisers of these new Courts are Bro Colin Wilson and Bro Martin Smith respectively and we look forward to founding these new courts in the not too distant future.
This year marks the Tenth Anniversary since the first Court in the Province was founded at Chichester on 26th May 2007 and there will be a Celebration Dinner & Dance at the Chichester Park Hotel on Saturday, 10th June. All are welcome to attend - whether members of the Order or not - together with Wives, Partners, non-Masonic friends and guests. The event is being organised by W Bro Ross Everett and W Bro Lee Everett.
The Provincial Grand Master thanked W Bro Ron Bentley, Provincial Secretary, W Bro John Hickman, Provincial Treasurer and W Bro Mark Donovan, Provincial Marshal and his team for their hard work in planning what has been a very successful meeting. Thanks also to Bro John Gough, Provincial Organist for his wonderful musical contribution during the meeting.
There followed a pre-lunch Drinks Reception after which 51 members and guests enjoyed an excellent and convivial Festive Board.
Photographs by Bob Tuthill and Chris Eley
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