Sword of Constantine Court No 120
Monday, 6th March 2017
The first meeting following the Consecration of the Court in October last year was held at Croydon Masonic Hall on Monday, 6th March with the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Ian Clark presiding.

Due to various other Masonic and family commitments, a number of brethren were unable to attend but thanks to those visitors who came along to assist, which included RW.Bro. Lionel Mee, Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. Roy Leavers, Grand Secretary and W.Bro. Mark Donovan, Provincial Marshal, we had a most enjoyable and very useful meeting. It was particularly helpful for those Founders of the Court who were new members to the Order to again see a working of the Instruction Ceremony – albeit a demonstration - as they had only witnessed the ceremony once before on the occasion of their joining the Order last October!!
One can learn the words but it is only by working together as a team that one can really understand and learn the rubric.

R W Bro Lionel presented Grand Court Certificates to six of the new Founders and explained some of the symbolism of the certificate in a most interesting manner.
12 brethren later enjoyed the conviviality of the festive board.
The next meeting of the Court will be on Monday, 10th July at Croydon Masonic Hall.
Article by Lionel Mee and photos by Chris Eley