Tenth Anniversary of the Athelstan Province of Sussex - Celebration Dinner & Dance
Saturday, 10th June 2017 – 6:15 pm for 7:00 pm
Dancing until 12:15 am with Live entertainment and Disco
£35.00 Per Person - Click Here for the Booking Form
Chichester Park Hotel, Madgwick Lane, Westhampnett, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7QL
(Overnight Accommodation available at the discounted rate of £90.00 per night for a Double or Twin Room including breakfast. Please book rooms directly with the Hotel 01243 - 817400 : Quoting: "Group 431 - 10th Anniversary Dinner & Dance")
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Lionel Mee and his Wife Dee cordially invite you to join them and members and friends of the Province in celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Athelstan Province of Sussex All are welcome to attend - whether members of the Order or not - together with Wives, Partners, non-Masonic friends and guests.