Official Visit by the Provincial Grand Master to Archbishop Aethelhelm Court No 34
The Annual Installation Meeting of the Court was held on Thursday, 15th December at Nutfield Masonic Centre and was attended this year by R W Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee, KSM, Provincial Grand Master for Sussex on his Annual Official Visit.
The Court was opened at 5.00 pm by W Bro Ian Neve, Worshipful Master who extended a warm welcome to the Provincial Grand Master and also to all Members and Visitors. The Provincial Grand Master was accompanied on this occasion by a large number of the Provincial Officers of the year all of whom he thanked for giving up their time to accompany him to the meeting. They included W Bro Mike Ellis, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Paul Rose, Provincial Prior, W Bro Eric Trodd, Provincial Senior Warden, W Bro Mark Donovan, Provincial Marshal, W Bro Bernard Marchant, Provincial Sword Bearer, W Bro David Guildford, Provincial Deputy Marshal and W Bro Alan Brockwell, Provincial Senior Deacon.
Bro Leslie Grout was installed into the Chair of King Athelstan by the outgoing Master W Bro Ian Neve in an excellent manner, following which W Bro Leslie appointed and invested the Officers he had chosen to assist him during his year as Master.
Twenty five Brethren later dined at a convivial Festive Board when the Toasts of the Order were Honoured.
The next meeting of the Court will be on Tuesday, 11th July 2017