The Sword of Constantine Court No 120 - New Court for the Province of Sussex
Tuesday, 11th October 2016 saw the Grand Master, MW Bro Paul Weldon Johnston, PGHCh, GCSM as Presiding and Consecrating Officer at the Consecration of The Sword of Constantine Court No. 120 at the Croydon & District Masonic Hall. He was assisted by RW Bro Dr John Lloyd, Deputy Grand Master, RW & Em Bro Canon Ronald Black, Grand Prior and other Officers of Grand Court - many of whom had travelled from distant parts of England to share in the proceedings of this very special event.
Despite the train strikes and heavy traffic problems, a total of 65 Brethren turned out in good time to support this special event which saw the 120th Court of the Order being Consecrated at Croydon Masonic Hall - this also heralded the 10th Court in the Athelstan Province of Sussex.
The Proceedings commenced at 10.00 am with an Instruction ceremony for many of the Founders who were new to the Order,. The ceremony was conducted by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Lionel Mee and the Provincial Officers of Sussex who were also assisted by RW Bro Roy Leavers, PSGW, Grand Secretary, and other members of Grand Court.
After the Instruction ceremony there was a break for a luncheon at an excellent Festive Board which was enjoyed by all those Brethren present.
At 2:30pm the Brethren were honoured to receive the MW Grand Master and his team of Officers of Grand Court who carried out the Consecration Ceremony of the new court in an excellent and moving manner.
The Provincial Grand Master then Installed W Bro Ian Nelson Clark as the Primus Master of the new court who then appointed and invested the First Officers of the Court.
We wish the new Court every success for the future and look forward to the camaraderie of its members at their next meeting.