New Court for the Province of Sussex - The Sword of Constantine Court No. 120
On Tuesday, 11th October 2016, The Grand Master of the Order, Most Worshipful Brother Paul Weldon Johnston, PGHChan, GCSM Assisted by a Team of Officers from Grand Court will Consecrate "The Sword of Constantine Court No 120". This new court will bring the number of Courts in the Province to 10.
The Consecration Ceremony will take place at Croydon & District Masonic Hall, 73 Oakfield Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2UX at 2.30pm and will be preceded by a light lunch.
It is hoped that as many brethren as possible will attend the Consecration Ceremony and should you wish to also attend please see the Attendance & Booking Form which may be downloaded by clicking below.
Click here for the Attendance & Booking Form