New Member for Court of the South Saxons No 60
On Monday the 4th July, the Court of the South Saxons No 60 held their regular meeting at the Ferring Village Hall.
Following the opening of the Court and the usual administrative agenda items, a successful ballot was held for Bro Simon Stocker, who was Instructed into the Order in fine form by the Worshipful Master W Bro Malcolm Brown and Officers of the Court.
This being the Election meeting, Bro Reginald Beldam, Senior Warden, was declared Master-elect for the ensuing year and W Bro Ross Everett, PPGSwdB was declared Treasurer-elect. Bro Reg thanked the Brethren for the trust placed in him, and said how much he was looking forward to his year in the Chair. W Bro Ross also thanked the brethren for electing him to continue as Treasurer.
The evening was rounded off with a most convivial Festive Board, enjoyed by all.
The next Regular meeting is taking place on Monday 7th November 2016, this will be our Installation meeting when we will be honoured to have both the Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master in attendance.