The Court of King Alfred the Great No 79 - Installation Meeting and Official Visit by the Provincial Grand Master
The Court was opened by W Bro Trevor Franks, Worshipful Master, at 6.00pm on Friday, 19th August 2016 at the Winchester Masonic Hall with a total of 27 members and visitors attending.

The visitors included RW Bro Lionel Mee, KSM, Provincial Grand Master for Sussex on his Official Visit for the Year; he was accompanied by Deputy Provincial Grand Master W Bro Mike Ellis, KSM, PSGD, and a number of Provincial Officers of the Year. There were also members including W Bro Gordon Leaman and W Bro Bill Hoare from the Court of Prince Edmund No 24 - who were personal guests of the Master-elect, Bro mark Gannaway.
Bro Mark Gannaway was Installed as Worshipful Master by W Bro Trevor Franks in a most sincere and faultless manner following which W Bro Mark appointed and invested the Officers for his Year as Master.
In thanking the WM and members of the Court for their hospitality on the occasion of his visit, the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Lionel Mee, mentioned several items of interest which included the forthcoming Consecration of a new Court in the Province, 'The Sword of Constantine Court No 120' on 11th October 2016 at the Croydon Masonic Hall when the ceremony will be presided over by The Grand Master of the Order. He also mentioned the forthcoming investiture of W Bro Charles Aspinell as Past Grand Sword Bearer by the Grand Master at the Annual Meeting of Grand Court on 22nd October this year - which appointment will result in W Bro Charles becoming a 'Very' Worshipful Brother; this was greeted with acclaim by all those present.
After the meeting 26 Members and Visitors dined at a most enjoyable Festive Board and the formal Toasts of the Order were duly honoured.
The next meeting of the Court will be on Friday, 22nd April 2017.