Court of Aelle No 25 - Installation Meeting and Official Visit by the Provincial Grand Master
The Installation Meeting of the Court was held at the Masonic Hall in Herstmonceux in Sussex on Saturday, 25th June 2016 and was opened by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Jeremy Griffin. RW Bro Lionel Mee, Provincial Grand Master for Sussex, was then received and welcomed into the Court on the occasion of his Official Visit for the year; he was accompanied by W Bro Mike Ellis, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Officers of the Year.
Bro Reynold Phillimore was Installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year by the outgoing Worshipful Master, W Bro Jeremy Griffin, in an excellent and sincere manner and W Bro Ren then appointed and invested the Officers for his Year as Master.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Lionel Mee, presented Bro John Hardy with his Grand Court Certificate in a most interesting and informative manner.
Due to the indisposition of W Bro Terry Brown, Secretary of the Court, W Bro John Phillips acted as Secretary for the day, and the Provincial Grand Master congratulated W Bro John on his recently being conferred with the honour of Past Grand Banner Bearer by the Grand Master - this was received with acclaim by all those present.
A total of 20 Members and Visitors attended the meeting and 13 later dined at a convivial Festive Board when the formal Toasts of the Order were duly honoured.
The next meeting of the Court will be on Saturday, 8th October 2016.