Installation of New Provincial Grand Master and Annual Assembly of Provincial Grand Court
Sussex Annual Provincial Assembly was held on Saturday, 2nd April 2016 at the Masonic Centre in Chichester. This was a very special meeting as it was also the Installation of a new Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee, KSM and W Bro Michael Daniel Ellis, KSM as Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
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Provincial Grand Court was Opened by R W Bro Brian J Prevett, GCSM, the recently retired Primus Provincial Grand Master for Sussex who acted as Presiding Officer.
The Grand Master, M W Bro Paul W Johnston, PGHCh, GCSM, was then received and welcomed into Provincial Grand Court and entered in procession accompanied by his team of Assisting Grand Officers.
A total of almost 90 brethren from Grand Court, the Province of Sussex and visitors from other Provinces attended the meeting.
W Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee, KSM was then installed as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Sussex in a most sincere and moving ceremony by the Grand Master.
R W Bro Lionel then installed W Bro Michael Daniel Ellis, KSM as Deputy Provincial Grand Master in a most friendly and sincere ceremony.
To the delight and surprise of all present, the Grand Master appointed W Bro Michael Ellis as Past Senior Grand Deacon and W Bro John Phillips as Past Grand Banner Bearer; the Brethren spontaneously showed their appreciation for the honours conferred on these brethren.
After the Annual Meeting was Closed, the brethren enjoyed a pre-lunch Champagne Reception followed by a superb luncheon, which concluded a most enjoyable day.
Congratulations to all those Brethren who were Appointed to, and Promoted in Provincial Grand Rank and here's to happy times for the future in the Athelstan Province of Sussex.