Annual Provincial Meeting & Investiture of new Provincial Grand Master
The Annual Provincial Meeting of the Provincial Grand Court of Sussex will be held at The Masonic Hall, 7 South Pallant, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1SY on Saturday, 2nd April 2016 at 11.00am followed by Lunch at 1.00pm.
The Annual Meeting will be preceded by the Installation of W Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee, PSGD, Deputy Provincial Grand Master-in-Charge, Provincial Grand Master-designate for Sussex by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, M W Bro Paul Weldon Johnston PGHCh, GCSM assisted by Grand Officers.
It is hoped that as many members of the Order from Sussex and other Provinces around the UK will be able to attend this very special meeting.
The Notice of the Meeting and an Attendance and Lunch Booking slip may be downloaded by clicking here.