Appointment of new Grand Secretary R W Bro Roy W Leavers, SGW, KSM
The Most Worshipful Grand Master is pleased to announce the appointment of R W Bro Roy Leavers as the new Grand Secretary in succession to V W Bro Michael Eckley KCSM who completes his term of office in that role at the Annual Assembly on 7th November 2015.
R W Bro Roy is currently the Senior Grand Warden and also acting temporarily as the Deputy Grand Secretary. He is President of the Cyningstun 10-90 Committee and a member of the Grand Master’s Executive. He previously served his Province of Sussex as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and was appointed to Grand Court as Grand High Almoner in October 2012.
V W Bro Michael Eckley is to be promoted to Past Junior Grand Warden in recognition of his services to the Order.
We in the Province of Sussex can feel rightly proud that one of our own brethren is being appointed to this very important office and I’m sure that you will join me in wishing R W Bro Roy all the best in his new role and continued success in our fine order.
R W Bro Brian J Prevett GCSM
Provincial Grand Master
15th August 2015