Installation of new Deputy Provincial Grand Master
On Tuesday, 14th July at a special Meeting of the Provincial Grand Court of Sussex held at the Nutfield Masonic Centre in Redhill Surrey, W Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee ProvDepGMar was Installed as the new Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Sussex by R W Bro Brian Prevett, Provincial Grand Master. The meeting was hosted by the Archbishop Aethelhelm Court No. 34.
The Court was opened at 5.00pm following which R W Bro Brian Prevett, Provincial Grand Master escorted by W Bro Lee Everett, Provincial Grand Marshal, and accompanied by a large number of Provincial Officers was received and welcomed on his Official Visit to the Court; he assumed the Chair of King Athelstan and opened a special meeting of Provincial Grand Court.
W Bro Lionel Broadbent Mee was escorted into Provincial Grand Court by Masters of Courts within the Province and was duly Installed as Deputy Provincial Grand Master; he was Proclaimed and saluted, to which he suitably responded.
Provincial Grand Court was closed and W Bro Steven Cann, Worshipful Master of the Court resumed the Chair and continued with the business on the agenda.
Grand Court Certificates were presented to Bro Graham McGlashen and Bro Stephen Potts by the R W Provincial Grand Master in an interesting and informative manner.
Before the Closing, the R W Provincial Grand Master encouraged all Brethren to continue supporting the Grand Master's Cyningstun 10-90 project which will commemorate the 10th Anniversary of our Masonic Order and will culminate with a Re-dedication of the Order at a Service at All Saints Church in Kingston and a Banquet for Brethren and family members over the weekend of 6th & 7th November this year.
The R W Provincial Grand Master also thanked R W Bro Roy Leavers, SGW, for his commitment and support during his time as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and also wished him continued success in his role as Senior Grand Warden.
The Worshipful Master welcomed all the visitors and guests - which included R W Bro Brian Coshall, Provincial Grand Master for East Anglia - for their attendance and support of the evening's proceedings.
37 Members, Visitors and Guest later honoured the formal Toasts of the Order at a Convivial Festive Board.