The annual meeting of the Province at Nutfield Saturday 11th April 2015
Our Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Brian J Prevett, GCSM, presided over the annual meeting of the Province at Nutfield on Saturday 11th April 2015. This was because Easter weekend encompassed the 1st Saturday in April and so the date of the meeting had to be deferred to the 2nd Saturday in April. Whilst this did, regretfully, mean that some of our Brethren and Guests were not able to attend because of other Masonic duties over 65 members of the Province and Guests were still able to be present for a splendid Provincial Meeting.
Shortly after 9.00am and under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal, W Bro Colin Hartley, ably assisted by the Provincial Grand Marshal designate, W Bro Lee Everett, the Provincial Deputy Grand Marshal designate, W Bro Lionel Mee, W Bro Mark Donovan and other willing volunteers the Temple was prepared. The Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro Peter McCarthy, had laid out the signing in sheets, changing rooms were allocated and Tea, Coffee and Biscuits were available.
At 9.30am the Provincial Grand Marshal rehearsed the Brethren who were taking part in the processions into and out of Provincial Grand Court. Brethren not involved in the processions were seated in the Temple 10.45am. The first procession into the Temple was that of our Distinguished Guests, who were greeted with applause.
In the days leading up to the meeting, the Province had received their quota of Lapel Pins supporting Cyningstun 10 – 90. The full quota of which was sold prior to the opening of Provincial Grand Court so when our Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Brian J Prevett, GCSM, entered he was greeted not only to rapturous and prolonged applause but also the sight of a Temple full of Brethren wearing a Lapel Pin and so supporting Cyningstun 10 – 90.
The opening Hymn, Be still in the presence of the Lord, was sung and Provincial Grand Court was opened in due form after which the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was saluted with seven to which he duly replied. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master individually and warmly welcomed the Honoured Guests and they were saluted.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was then pleased to appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Officers of the year. After which he invested those appointed to Past Rank within the Province.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then presented Bro Mark Gannaway with a Certificate of Merit for the best Lecture delivered in the Province over the previous 12 months to Bro Mark Gannaway a member of the Court of Prince Edmund, No 24. After which Bro Mark delivered his Lecture, on Jean-Francois Champollion who had translated the Rosetta Stone, to the delight of all present.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Roy W Leavers, addressed the Brethren on the progress of Cyningstun 10 – 90. At the conclusion of which the Province presented him with a cheque in the sum of £500.00 for the benefit of Cyningstun 10 – 90 and also a cheque from Prince Edmund Court, No 24, which took the Courts donations to over £250.00. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master thanked the Province, the members of the Court of Prince Edmund and all the Brethren of the Province for the very generous donations that they have made thus far on behalf of the Most Worshipful Grand Master.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master addressed the meeting.
A charity collection was held with the proceeds going to Cyningstun 10 – 90.
Provincial Grand Court was then closed in due form. The Closing Hymn, Dear Lord and Father of mankind, was sung followed by the National Anthem, after which the Brethren enjoyed a superb Nutfield Luncheon.