An official visit to The Court of Harrow Way
The Court of Harrow Way hosted an official visit from our RW. Provincial Grand Master on Monday 16 February. Also in attendance was the RW. Deputy Provincial Grand Master along with the Provincial Junior Warden who were members of Harrow Way.
Due to illness and work commitments Court 88 was rather thin on the ground but this didn't dampen their spirits and after all those present had mucked in, a splendid ceremony was conducted for our latest summoned 'Master Mason' Bro. Anthon Smith instructed into the order with half of the ceremony split between the IPM W.Bro. Bob Shepard and the DepProvGM. RW.Bro. Roy Leavers. Bro. Anthon demonstrated that he will become a real asset to the Court.
A Court certificate was presented to Bro. Keith MacLean by the RW. Provincial Grand Master.
With the better weather on its way hopefully their next Court meeting will be back to full strength. The evening was concluded with a most pleasant festive board.