The Coronation Stone Court, No 50 - January Meeting
Monday 26th January 2015 was the first Installation Meeting of the Court following the Consecration on 27th January 2014 and set a new ‘First for the Court’.
Following the meeting of the Court, held on 27th October 2014, R W Bro Roy Leavers and W & Em Bro Noel Grout, had travelled to Malmesbury Court, No 100 earlier this month where they had witnessed an excellent ceremony of Instruction conducted by the Master W Bro S Devlin. The purpose of their visit was to forge stronger ties with one of the ‘Flagship’ Courts within the Order. The other two such Courts being The Court of Eorforwic No 1 and of course The Coronation Court No 50. There they had re-enforced old friendships and made new ones. The warmth of welcome was befitting of our Order. The visit of R W Bro Roy and W & Em Bo Noel resulted in R W Bro Malcolm Burns, GCSM, Provincial Grand Master for Wessex and the Primus Master of Malmesbury Court, No 100, attending the meeting. He was accompanied by the following Brethren of his Court: V W Bro Brian Wright, KCSM, P Grand Sword Bearer, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Wessex, the Court Secretary; W Bro Mervyn Western, Grand High Almoner, Provincial Grand Secretary of Wessex; W Bro M Clifton, P Provincial Marshal, Wessex; and the current Master W Bro S Devlin. This was the first ‘Visit’ from Malmesbury and hopefully not the last.
Together with other Guests of the Court they were treated to a superb rendition of Masonic ritual. Bro Keith Waters was Consecrated as a Prior in the Order, by W & Em Bro Noel Grout, and installed as Master by W Bro Lee Everett, in most impressive ceremonies and duly presented with the Books of Ritual; whereupon he was hen told that he would be the last Brother in the Court to be consecrated as a Prior as the new ritual did not include such ceremony. Additionally the ceremony of Installation of a Master had been amended. This did not detract from two very moving ceremonies carried out with dignity and decorum to the highest standards to the joy of all present.
To the delight of all present R W Bro Malcolm Burns, Primus Master of Malmesbury Court, No 100, presented Bro John V French with his Grand Court Certificate. To complete a very happy and enjoyable meeting all present then received a Lecture from W & Em Bro Noel Grout entitled ‘Melchizedek’.
The next meeting of the Court is on Monday 1st June 2015 when the ceremony of Instruction will be conducted.
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