Brethren from the Province visit Malmesbury Court, No 100
It was the wish of all those involved in the inauguration of the Order to have three 'Flagship Courts' that were to represent the Ancient Charges which were delivered at York; the Coronation of Athelstan in 925 AD at the site of All Saints Church, Kingston upon Thames ;and the burial of King Athelstan at Malmesbury Abbey. It was so determined that these Courts were to bear the Numbers 1, 50 and 100 respectively.
On 4th August 2007 at York, in the Province of Lindsey, The Court of Eorforwic, No 1, was consecrated; on 31st May 2008 at Malmesbury, in the Province of Wessex, Malmesbury Court, No 100, was consecrated; and on 27th January 2014 The Coronation Stone Court, No 50, was consecrated in our Province at Surbiton, the nearest Masonic centre to Kingston-upon-Thames.
The consecration of the three Courts also carried a wish that the Brethren of the Courts inter-visit, thus increasing Masonic friendships and increasing knowledge of Athelstan. On Tuesday 13th January 2014 R W Bro Roy Leavers and W & Em Bro Noel Grout travelled to Malmesbury Court, No 100, at Malmesbury. Here they were welcomed by The Worshipful Master, W Bro Stephen Devlin, the Court Secretary, V W Bro Brian Wright, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and all the Brethren of the Court. The warmth of welcome, friendship and hospitality that was extended to them encapsulated the very ethos of our Order. It was a very happy and enjoyable meeting at which both R W Bro Roy and W & Em Bro Noel were pleased to see so many old friends and of course make new friends. They were also privileged to bear witness to an excellent ceremony of Instruction; which was greatly appreciated by the Candidate and all present.
At the meeting of The Coronation Stone Court, No 50, on Monday 26th January 2015 W Bro Stephen Devlin, the Master of Malmesbury Court No 100, V W Bro Brian Wright, the Court Secretary, W Bro Rodney Clifton, the Court Marshal and W Bro Mervyn Western, Past Master of the Court, will be in attendance. They will be made most welcome.