Twenty Fifteen
The New Year will be a very special and hectic year for the Province with the Consecration of ‘The Rood at Sudstone Sari Court, No 106’ by the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master, assisted by Officers of Grand Court. This will be on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at the Sutton Masonic Hall, 9 Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1BB. The consecration will take the number of Courts in the Province to eight. The Consecration of a Court in the Masonic Order of Athelstan is special in that prior to the ceremony 15 Brethren not in the Order will be ‘Instructed’.
This adds to the day and leaves a lasting and profound impression upon all present. The Founding Secretary, W Bro Len Hayward, on behalf of all the Petitioners, cordially invites all Court Master Masons to the meeting. W Bro Len can be contacted at 88@athelstansussex.org.uk
A group of dedicated Court Master Masons are currently working towards the Consecration of a Court which will meet at Croydon. It is hoped that the consecration will take place in the autumn. Over the coming months more information will be available on the Website.
The Annual Meeting of the Province will take place at the Redhill & Reigate Masonic Centre, Nutfield Lodge, Nutfield Road, Nutfield, Surrey, RH1 4ED on Saturday 11th April 2015. This promises to be a very exciting and enjoyable meeting. As the Province grows in numbers of Courts so the allocation of Provincial Grand Officers increases. The meeting will reflect this in the number of Appointments to Provincial Rank. The Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro Peter McCarthy, is working diligently to ensure that the meeting and after proceedings will be of the highest standards. W Bro Peter will be sending details to the entire Province well in advance of April.
It is hoped that the Brethren of the Province will attend en masse and support the Provincial Grand Master on his very special day.