An early start for Archbishop Athelhelm Court 34
An unusually early start of 4:30pm for the Archbishop Athelhelm Court 34 On Thursday 18th December 2014. This was mainly down to the fact they currently only hold two meetings a year, so tonight was going to be a busy agenda - A double instruction ceremony followed by an Installation of a new Court Master.
Upon the Court being duly opened, outside the door of the Court awaited W. Bro. Lee Everett Acting Prov.G.Mar who informed the Worshipful Master and brethren that the RW. Provincial Grand Master was in attendance and he demanded admission. An escort was formed and the RW. Provincial Grand Master along with his Sword and Banner bearer and accompanied by the RW. Deputy Provincial Grand Master were welcomed into the Court with rapturous applause.
Brothers Graham McGlashen and Stephen Potts were Instructed into the Order by RW. Bro Roy Leavers in a faultless manor.
A retrospective of the history was given by W & Em Bro. Tom Livingstone and Bro. Leslie Grout.
W Bro. Tom Livingstone occupied the Chair to Consecrate the Master Elect Bro. Stephen Cann to Eminent Prior. The chair was once more occupied by W. Bro Lee Everett who Installed Bro Stephen into the Chair of king Athelstan. After the WM appointed and invested his officers, an address to the master was delivered by W. Bro. Lee Everett.
The RW. Provincial Grand Master then retired from the Court accompanied by the RW. Deputy Provincial Grand Master and by invitation the PGM for the Mark Degree in Surrey who is a member of the Court. The Court donated £100 to the Cyningstun 10-90 appeal plus a very kind donation was also made to a distressed brother within the Court.
It is evident from the large attendance that Archbishop Athelhelm Court is going from strength to strength and we wish them continued success for 2015.