The Coronation Stone Court, No 50
The day did not start well for some members of the Court. M W Bro Paul Johnson was caught in severe traffic congestion on the M25 which extended his journey time from just over an hour to nearly 4 hours; Bro Chris Lewis was struck down with a debilitating form of Flu; Bro Lawrence Bell-Wright had last minute work matters that had to be resolved; and two of our Guests W Bro Alan Trotter and W Bro Ross Everett encountered adverse traffic conditions and arrived as the Court was being opened. Considering that the date was Monday 27th October 2014 and was the 1075 anniversary of the death of Athelstan it could have been considered as an omen. It is pleasing to note that this was not so and that all the Court’s ‘Bad luck’ was used up prior to the meeting.
After the Master, W Bro Peter McCarthy had opened the Court, he welcomed W Bro Lee Everett as a Joining Member. Our Grand Master Instructed Bro Andrew Sales and Bro Barrie Mansell into the Order in a most impressive ceremony, so very ably assisted by all the members of the Court, to the pleasure of all present. Having presented Grand Court Certificates to Bro Peter Ribi and Bro Peter Chidzey he then held an informal forum. During which the various matters discussed were the forthcoming Cyningstun 10 – 90 celebrations; the re-defining of the Provincial Boundary of the Province (which now includes Sutton and Croydon); a new Court to be consecrated at Sutton; and alterations to the ritual.
The Court elected Bro Keith R D Waters as the Master elect and he will be installed at the meeting of the Court on Monday 26th January 2015.
At the conclusion of the proceedings the Brethren later enjoyed a most enjoyable Surbiton banquet.
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