The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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Deputy attends the home of Horseracing and the Order

Deputy attends the home of Horseracing and the OrderSaturday 6th September 2014 saw the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V W Bro Roy Leavers, travel to Newmarket for the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Court of East Anglia followed by the installation meeting of the Court of Ǽlfred, No 2.

Newmarket is famous as the birth place of horseracing some 350 years ago, from whence the ‘Sport of Kings’ was then exported around the world. It is now also famous as the birthplace of the Masonic Order of Athelstan for in a ground floor Committee Room of the Masonic Hall in the High Street our Order was conceived. Like horseracing the Order has since been ‘exported’ around the world to Australia, India and the United States of America.

R W Bro Brian Coshall, Provincial Grand Master, presided over his first annual meeting of the Province since his installation at Diss on 5th July 2014. Over 60 Brethren were present at an excellent meeting.

There then followed the Installation Meeting of the Court of Ǽlfred, No 2, the oldest Court in our Constitution having been consecrated on 22nd October 2005. All present were privileged to bear witness to a superb Consecration of Bro David A Smith and his subsequent Installation as Master by W Bro Howard Hodgkins.

A most enjoyable day, when new friendships were made and old ones re-affirmed, was sealed with a most excellent Luncheon.

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