‘King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons' BBC 4 on Tuesday 26th August at 8.00pm ~ Not to be missed!
The BBC 4 Television series at 8.00pm on Tuesday 26th August 2014 is the third in the series and takes us from the Knighthood of Athelstan, the only grandson of King Alfred the Great, through to his death. Next weeks programme commences when Athelstan, who is aged 5 years, receives his Knighthood (the word Knight is an Anglo Saxon word) from his Grandfather. Such an honour was usually conferred at the age of 14 years but King Alfred was dying and it is believed that he conferred this Knighthood in order to preserve his lineage. It is interesting that when King Alfred was 5 he was invested at Rome by Pope Leo V.
In the second programme of the series, first viewed on Tuesday 19th August, you can see the Chaworth Roll which is a genealogical roll of the Anglo Saxon Kings. The roll is 6.5 meters long, 24.5 cm wide and consists of nine parchment membranes glued end to end. Most of the roll is the work of a single artist, dubbed the Chaworth Master. Each King, and principal member of the Royal dynasty, is shown. The style in which they are shown is similar to the Logos that Courts in our Province are using (i.e. a double circle).
Should you have missed the first two programmes you can watch them on the BBC I-player.