Provincial Team Visit The Court of King Alfred the Great, No 79
Installation Meeting Friday 15th August 2015
The Installation meeting of the Court held at the Winchester Masonic Centre was the occasion for a ‘Provincial Team Visit’ by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. The centre was once the home of the Headmaster of St Swithun’s School, and was purchased in the late 1980’s to replace the existing Centre. Due to its position planning permission to expand the building up and out was declined. The decision was then made to dig down and the Temple is now below the original property. It proved to be a most appropriate venue for the Provincial Grand Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Provincial Grand Officers of the year, visitors and Brethren (totalling 32) present. The Officers of the Court had all ’Done their homework’ to the highest of standards.
To the delight of all W Bro Charles Aspinell, Provincial Senior Grand Warden, obligated and entrusted Bro Derek Radford as Eminent Prior. In an equally impressive ceremony W Bro Christopher Court then obligated and installed Em Bro Derek Radford as the fourth Master of the Court to the pleasure and delight of all present.
W Bro Derek Radford then installed his Officers for the ensuing year.
In addressing the Brethren R W Bro Brian J Prevett, Provincial Grand Master, congratulated those Brethren who had performed ritual. He also thanked the Court Secretary, W Bro Ron Bentley, for all the assistance that he had given to the Province for the ‘Provincial Team Visit’ and all the members of the Court for the warmth of hospitality that had been extended both to him and all the members of his Team.
At the conclusion of the proceedings the Brethren later joined together in a most convivial supper. New friendships were made and old friendships were re-established.