The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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Brethren to be honoured at Grand Court

The Province is pleased to announce that at the next annual meeting of Grand Court to be held at Freemasons Hall, London Road, Leicester on Saturday 25th October 2014 the Most Worshipful Grand Master will be pleased to confer active Grand Rank on the following Brethren:

V W Bro Roy W Leavers Senior Grand Warden
V W Bro Glyn G Goddard, KSM Grand Marshal

The Most Worshipful Grand Master will also be pleased to appoint the following Brethren to Past Rank:

W Bro John C W Hickman Past Grand Banner Bearer
W Bro Gordon Leaman Past Grand Banner Bearer

Heartiest congratulations are extended to each of them.

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