The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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Lights Out ~ Let us remember them

Monday 4th August commemorates the commencement of ‘The Great War’ in 1914. The then Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, said at the time "The lamps are going out all over Europe; and we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime".

LIGHTS OUT is a national project in which every resident in the United Kingdom is asked to turn off their lights from 10.00pm to 11.00pm leaving on a single light or candle. During this hour of darkness we are asked to reflect on the hour in which Britain entered the war one hundred years ago.

A candlelit vigil will be held at Westminster Abbey from 10.00pm to 11.00pm. Many civic buildings, city landmarks, war memorials and other gathering places have become assembly points for similar vigils. Additionally candlelit gatherings are being organised by the Royal British Legion.

Wherever you are on Monday 4th August between the hours of 10.00pm and 11.00pm I am sure that you will be quietly remembering all those that took part in the War to end all Wars. Let us not forget those of our Fraternity who served.

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