Brethren of the Province honoured at the annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey
At the annual meeting of the Provincial Prior of Surrey at Croydon on Saturday 12th July 2014 five members of the Province with honoured with Appointments/Promotions in Provincial Priory. Our congratulations go to:
Appointments ~ | |
Bro Christopher D Cradock | Provincial Chancellor |
Bro Prof Denis R W May | Provincial 2nd Herald |
Bro Andrew Fox | Provincial Aide-de-Camp |
Promotion ~ |
Bro Mark A Winchester | Past Provincial 1st Constable |
Provincial Priors Bodyguard ~ |
W Bro Michel D Ellis | Deputy Commander |
When welcoming Guests of the Province R Em Kt Michael J Banbury V W Bro Roy Leavers, P Grand Sword Bearer, Grand High Almoner, as acknowledged as the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Sussex.
During his address to Provincial Priory the Provincial Prior, R Em Kt Michael J Banbury, stated that this was the last time he would address Provincial Priory as Provincial Prior. After over 20 years of continuous service to the Province as Provincial Vice-Chancellor, Provincial Sub-Prior and Provincial Prior R Em Kt Michael would be retiring before the next annual meeting of the Province. After many years of commitment and dedication may he enjoy very many happy years of retirement.