The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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We three Diss-tant travellers

R W Bro Brian Prevett and W Bro’s Peter McCarthy and Roy Leavers set off early on Saturday 5th July to travel up to Diss in Norfolk for the Installation of the Provincial Grand Master for East Anglia.

The Most Worthy Grand Master was in attendance but because of his close connections with the Province the Assistant Grand Master, R W Bro Christopher Ansell, Installed R W Bro Brian Coshall in a delightful ceremony ably assisted by officers of Grand Court including our own W Bro Roy Leavers who acted as Deputy Grand Marshal. To everyone's delight and to his complete surprise the Grand Master later conferred a field promotion on W Bro Roy Leavers to Past Grand Sword Bearer thus making him Very Worshipful Brother.

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