The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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Clean sweep at the Court of the South Saxons, No 60

Clean sweep at the Court of the South Saxons, No 60On Monday 30th June 2014 the Court of the South Saxons, No 60, held its regular June meeting in Ferring Village Hall, Ferring, West Sussex. Nearly 30 Brethren, including V W Bro Glyn Goddard, KSM, Grand Marshal, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, were in attendance. At the meeting the Master, W Bro Alan G Willis, assisted by his Officers, Instructed Bro Sam Diprose into the Order in a most pleasing ceremony. Bro Diprose having been welcomed into the Court and the Province then took his place in the Court. This meeting being the Election Meeting Bro Allen Jones was then elected as Master Elect for the ensuing year. His ceremony of Installation will take place on Monday 24th November 2014. It promises to be an excellent meeting when W Bro Roy Leavers, Deputy Provincial Grand Master will be in attendance.

The Court membership, ever eager to impress, had gone to great lengths to ensure that the Temple was in pristine condition for this meeting (it is rumoured that cynics are saying it was just to impress V W Bro Glyn). A ‘Provincial Reporter’, who wishes to remain anonymous, captured Bro Ritchie Bratton carrying out some last minute cleaning duties.

The news of our anonymous Reporter has, unsurprisingly, filtered through to other members of the Province. An unnamed but reliable Provincial source has asked that details of this very noble and courageous act by Bro Ritchie should be kept secret in case our ‘Other halves’ find out. The reliable Provincial source added that efforts would be made to suppress this article as publication could place additional and unwelcome burdens on Brethren for years to come.

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