The Masonic Order of Athelstan
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas ~ Province of Sussex

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The Annual Meeting of the Province of Sussex ~ a Report
Preparations for the annual meeting of the Province at Littlehampton on Monday 28th April 2014 started many months ago, during the early weeks of February.

Our Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Brian J Prevett, KCSM, in conjunction with:

Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V W Bro Glyn Goddard, KSM,
Provincial Grand Treasurer, W Bro John Hickman
Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro Alan Froom
Provincial Marshal,
W Bro Colin Hartley

determined the venue and date of the meeting, along with the menu, and of course the Agenda.

Within a short period of time the Provincial Grand Secretary had written to every member of the Province informing them of the meeting and seeking confirmation of attendance and dining. He also wrote to all the other Provinces extending an invitation to attend as Guests of Sussex.

Over the course of the weeks leading up to the meeting the replies started to arrive by post and via email. Whilst recording these details our Provincial Grand Secretary was also co-ordinating the many matters that had to be undertaken to ensure a successful meeting. He was preparing an expanded Agenda for the Provincial Grand Master; ascertaining that there was ample parking for all those attending the meeting; preparing signage; table plans for dining; liaising with the Caterers; confirming that those to be appointed to Provincial Grand Rank had the required regalia; that the Officers for the year 2013 – 2014 and the Officers for the year 2014 – 2015 were attending; ensuring that the Provincial Grand Marshal had all the information that he required to discharge his duties; confirming the details of the day to Brethren of other Provinces who were attending; and of course keeping the Provincial Grand Master fully informed.

The Provincial Grand Marshal was working on the ceremonial for the meeting; seating plans for those in the Temple; ensuring that the ceremonial for the Installation of a Deputy Provincial Grand Master was sent to all those assisting in the ceremony (A Provincial Deputy Marshal, Cushion Bearers and Escorts); arranging rehearsals; and ensuring that understudies were available should a Brother, at the last minute, not be able to attend the meeting.

The culmination of all this work by these Brethren came to fruition on the afternoon of the meeting. The first to arrive at the Masonic Centre were the Provincial Secretary and the Provincial Marshal whilst other Brethren soon joined them. Together with helpers they quickly laid out the Temple for a meeting of a Provincial Grand Court of the Order. Signing sheets were made available and the changing room prepared. At 4.30pm the Provincial Grand Marshal rehearsed the Brethren who were taking part in the installation of a Deputy Provincial Grand Master; and then the processions into and out of Provincial Grand Court.

Brethren not involved in the processions were seated in the Temple by 5.45pm. The first procession into the Temple was that of our Distinguished Guests, who were greeted with applause. The Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Brian J Prevett, KCSM, then entered to rapturous and prolonged applause.

The opening Ode was sung and Provincial Grand Court was opened in due form after which the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was saluted with seven to which he duly replied. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master individually and warmly welcomed the Honoured Guests. R W Bro Howard Doe, KCSM, Provincial Grand Master for Kent and R W Bro Brian A Vickers, KSM, Provincial Grand Master for Essex, were saluted with seven to which they duly responded.

The minutes were confirmed and the roll of Courts within the Province was called. As the Court name was called, the members of the Court stood and acknowledged the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master with a court bow. All the Courts in the Province were well and worthily represented.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master thanked V W Bro Glyn Goddard for the dedication and service he had shown to him and the Province during his term of Office as Deputy Provincial Grand Master; a sentiment echoed by all those present. He then announced it was his intention to appoint W Bro Roy Leavers as Deputy Provincial Grand Master. The Provincial Grand Marshal having ascertained that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Designate was in attendance outside of Provincial Grand Court formed an escort, retired and then introduced him into Provincial Grand Court. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then obligated, invested and installed W Bro Roy Leavers as Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Sussex, in an absolutely superb ceremony.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was then pleased to appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Officers of the year. After which he invested those appointed to Past Rank within the Province. During the investiture he thanked W Bro Alan Froom for the excellent manner that he had discharged his duties, over many years, as Provincial Secretary of the Province and wished him a happy retirement.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master addressed the meeting. Provincial Grand Court was then closed in due form. The Closing Ode and the National Anthem were sung.

The Brethren later dined together in peace and unity. A total of 56 Brethren of the Province and their Guests had been in attendance to bear witness to a very happy and enjoyable meeting.

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