The Brother that inspired the Logo

When the Province qualified to have a Banner our Provincial Grand Master sought the assistance of W Bro Alan Trotter. Alan is well known in Freemasonry for his expertise in the design of Banners and Tracing Boards. Alan submitted a design for the Banner of the Province of Sussex that was readily accepted. The Banner having been designed was then made and subsequently dedicated by our Provincial Grand Master. It is seen when it is proudly displayed at all Official Visits of the Provincial Grand Master within the Province and at Provincial Grand Court.
When the Provincial Grand Master determined that the Provincial Website should be updated and a Provincial Tie designed much thought was spent on the design. It was determined that the Griffin and Scimitars which are the central theme of the Provincial Banner would be prominently used as part of the Website (www.athelstansuqssex.org.uk) and the Provincial Tie. It quickly followed that Letterheads for the Province were re-designed incorporating the Griffin and Scimitars.
The Province is indebted to Alan for allowing us to use the Griffin and Scimitars, which are now widely accepted as ‘Sussex Athelstan’.
Thank you Alan.