Forthcoming Masonic events during May 2014
Sussex Red Cross of Constantine on Saturday 10th May 2014
The annual meeting of the Division is being held at the Charmandean Centre, Worthing at 11.00am on Saturday 10th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Divisional Recorder, using the 'Links' section of the menu - Sussex Red Cross of Constantine
The annual meeting of the Division is being held at the Charmandean Centre, Worthing at 11.00am on Saturday 10th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Divisional Recorder, using the 'Links' section of the menu - Sussex Red Cross of Constantine
Surrey Mark Masons 2014 Festival on Saturday 17th May 2014
A garden party to celebrate the culmination of a Surrey Mark Festival is being held at Painshill Park, Cobham at 6.00pm on Saturday 17th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, using the 'Links' section of the menu -Surrey Mark Master Masons.
A garden party to celebrate the culmination of a Surrey Mark Festival is being held at Painshill Park, Cobham at 6.00pm on Saturday 17th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, using the 'Links' section of the menu -Surrey Mark Master Masons.
Surrey Mark Masons – Installation of Provincial Grand Master on Monday 19th May 2014
W Bro Ian N Clark, a Founding Member of Archbishop Aethelhelm Court No 34, will be installed as Provincial Grand Master for Surrey at the Fairfield Halls, Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey at 11.00am on Monday 19th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, using the 'Links' section of the menu - Surrey Mark Master Masons.
W Bro Ian N Clark, a Founding Member of Archbishop Aethelhelm Court No 34, will be installed as Provincial Grand Master for Surrey at the Fairfield Halls, Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey at 11.00am on Monday 19th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, using the 'Links' section of the menu - Surrey Mark Master Masons.
Provincial Assembly of Sussex Royal Ark Mariners Thursday 22nd May 2014
The annual assembly of Sussex Royal Ark Mariners will take place at the Masonic Centre, Queens Road, Brighton on Thursday 22nd May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, using the ‘Contacts’ drop down –Sussex Mark Master Masons.
The annual assembly of Sussex Royal Ark Mariners will take place at the Masonic Centre, Queens Road, Brighton on Thursday 22nd May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary, using the ‘Contacts’ drop down –Sussex Mark Master Masons.
Sussex Knights Templar Church Service on Sunday 25th May 2014
The annual Church Service of The Provincial Priory of Sussex, Knights Templar, will be held at Hurstpierpoint College at 2.45pm on Sunday 25th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, using the 'Links' section of the menu - Sussex Knights Templar.
The annual Church Service of The Provincial Priory of Sussex, Knights Templar, will be held at Hurstpierpoint College at 2.45pm on Sunday 25th May 2014.
For more information please contact the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, using the 'Links' section of the menu - Sussex Knights Templar.
The Court of Harrow Way, No 88 on Tuesday 27th May 2014
The next regular meeting of the Court will be held at South West Surrey Masonic Centre, Hitherbury Close, Guildford, Surrey at 5.00pm on Tuesday 27th May 2014.
If you wish to attend please contact the Court Secretary: 88@athelstansussex.org.uk
The next regular meeting of the Court will be held at South West Surrey Masonic Centre, Hitherbury Close, Guildford, Surrey at 5.00pm on Tuesday 27th May 2014.
If you wish to attend please contact the Court Secretary: 88@athelstansussex.org.uk