Visiting Courts in the Province
One the many joys of Freemasonry is to attend another Court as a Guest. This enables the Brother to be in and enjoin the company of like minded Brethren in both the confines of the Court and at subsequent refreshment. Invariably this also leads to new friendships being made and old friendships being rekindled. No one can doubt that a packed Court meeting produces an ambiance of its own inspiring the Master, Officers, Members and Guests in equal measure. Visiting also offers a Brother the opportunity to see ritual that he is about to undertake in his own Court.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master hopes that Brethren of the Order will take the opportunity to be present when he, or the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, visits Courts within the Province. The only thing that a Brother would have to do would be to attend and bear witness to the proceedings of the day; and of course to enjoy himself.
To assist the Court it is asked that a Brother informs the Court Secretary if he will be attending and dining.