Reporters Wanted It is the wish of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master that the Provincial Website will prove to be a living History of the Province of Sussex, its Courts, Brethren and events; as well as a Website that provides useful information for all Freemasons in the Province. In this respect the Province is looking for a ‘Volunteer’ from each Court who will provide an article in relation to his Court.
All that is required of the Brother concerned is that he supplies an article, together with possible pictures (which can have been taken by a mobile phone), and sends it to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master who will ensure that the article is placed on the Website.
The articles that are sought include a report of a meeting of the Court; news worthy items relating to Brethren in the Court (e.g receiving a Grand Rank in another Order; charitable events etc) or any other item which the Court wishes to bring to the notice of other Brethren within the Province.