Consecration of the Coronation Stone Court No 50 on 27th January 2014 - a report
It was the wish of all those involved in the inauguration of the Order to have three 'Flagship Courts' that were to represent The Ancient Charges which were delivered at York, the Coronation of Athelstan in 924 AD at the site of All Saints Church, Kingston upon Thames and the burial of King Athelstan at Malmesbury Abbey. It was so determined that these Courts were to bear the Numbers 1, 50 and 100 respectively.
On 4th August 2007 at York, in the Province of Lindsey, The Court of Eorforwic, No 1, was consecrated. This was followed on 31st May 2008 at Malmesbury, in the Province of Wessex, when Malmesbury Court, No 100, was consecrated.
In the summer of 2013, after several years of patient work, under the leadership of R W Bro Brian J Prevett, KCSM, Provincial Grand Master for Sussex, many Brethren well skilled in the mysteries and ceremonial of the Order informed the Most Worshipful Grand Master that they were desirous of him Constituting 'The Coronation Stone Court' in order that it could be Consecrated and work as a regular body under the Statutes of the Order. The Court, upon Consecration, would be a permanent reminder of the Coronation of King Athelstan. These Brethren had a further 15 duly qualified Brethren available and ready for Instruction. The venue for the Court was Surbiton which is the Masonic Centre for Kingston upon Thames and the surrounding area. It is 3 miles as the crow flies from the current site of 'The Coronation Stone'. Over 80 Craft Lodges, 50 Royal Arch Chapters and 35 other Orders meet at the Centre on a regular basis. The choice of Surbiton and the timing of the Consecration is even more special as All Saints Church in Kingston upon Thames, the site where Athelstan was crowned King in AD 924, has recently obtained a grant of £ 0.9m pounds from the National Lottery. This will allow work to commence on the renovation of the Church and the return of the Coronation Stone from outside its current position at Kingston upon Thames Guildhall. The Church is also seeking a further £8m pound grant towards its renovation.
Early morning on Monday 27th January 2014 Surbiton Masonic Centre saw the arrival of the Grand Master, M W Bro Paul W Johnson, PGHCh, GCSM; the Past Deputy Grand Master, R W Bro David Buxton, GHCh, GCSM; R W Bro Brian J Prevett, KCSM, Provincial Grand Master for Sussex and Petitioner; R W Bro Brian A Vickers, KSM, Provincial Grand Master for Essex and Petitioner; R W Bro Malcolm Burns, GCSM, Provincial Grand Master for Wessex; V W Bro Michael Eckley, KCSM, Grand Secretary; V W Bro Glyn R Goddard, KSM, Grand Marshal, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Sussex; together with over 80 Brethren of various ranks and distinctions. The Consecration of The Coronation Stone Court No 50 was about to come to fruition. At 10.30am R W Bro Brian J Prevett, KCSM, Provincial Grand Master, entered the George Gowan Temple to rapturous applause and opened Provincial Grand Court. The Most Worshipful Grand Master, attended by the Right Worshipful Past Deputy Grand Master and accompanied by his Assisting Officers entered to prolonged and sustained rapturous applause. Having warmly welcomed the Most Worshipful Grand Master the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then deputed Brethren of the Province to undertake the ceremony of Instruction; Consecration of an Eminent Prior; and Installation of a Worshipful Master. These ceremonies having been discharged to the pleasure of all present the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then closed Provincial Grand Court. The Temple was vacated and the Brethren all then dined together in peace and harmony.
At 2.30pm the Brethren re-assembled in the Temple. The Grand Master, M W Bro Paul W Johnson, PGHCh, GCSM, the Consecrating Officer, accompanied by his Assisting Officers:
R W Bro | David Buxton, GHChan, GCSM, P Deputy Grand Master | as Senior Grand Warden | |
R W Bro | George W Creamer, KCSM | Junior Grand Warden | |
R W & Em Bro | Canon Ronald C Black | Eminent Grand Prior | |
V W Bro | Michael Eckley, KCSM | Grand Secretary | |
V W Bro | Glyn, R Goddard, KSM | Grand Marshal | |
W Bro | Mervyn S Western, KSM | Deputy Eminent Grand Prior | |
W Bro | Nicholas Le-Grys | Deputy Grand Secretary | |
W Bro | John D Watts, KSM | Deputy Grand Marshal | |
W Bro | David P G Booth, Deputy Grand Marshal | as Grand Banner Bearer | |
R W Bro | Brian A Vickers, KSM, Provincial Grand Master for Essex | as Grand Organist | |
W Bro | Harold P J Wright | Grand Captain of the Guards | |
W Bro | Karl V Debenham | Grand Guard |
Grand Court was then opened and to the absolute delight and pleasure of all present the Most Worshipful Consecrating Officer then Constituted, Dedicated and Consecrated 'The Coronation Stone Court No 50'. Grand Court was then closed and the Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Brian J Prevett, GCSM, opened the Court and installed W Bro Peter J McCarthy, Provincial Junior Grand Warden, as the Primus Master. He then in turn invested all his Officers.
To the enormous joy of all present R W Bro Brian J Prevett then proposed M W Bro Paul W Johnson as a Joining Member of the Court. The proposal was greeted with acclamation. M W Bro Johnson rose and stated he was delighted to be a member of the Court. The Most Worshipful Grand Master then retired and the Court was closed.
The Brethren then left having given witness to the Consecration of the Court which had now fulfilled the wishes of all those involved in the inauguration of the Order. As they left they were doubtlessly inspired by the ceremonies. The Founders were additionally reminded of the responsibilities that they had undertaken in the stirring Oration given by the Eminent Grand Prior.
Roy Leavers
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